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Σάββατο, 24.11.2018 @ 21:00

Die Kantine Kulturbetrieb GmbH
Neusser Landstraße 2
50735 Köln

Balothizer (UK/GR) live Konzert in München  – Aftershowparty mit den BALKANSISTAS (DJane Spoma & DJane StefD)
(Folk Rock, World Music, Post Cretan Roots)

Balothizer are an Electric Power Trio formed on the streets of Haringey, North London. Being among the most culturally diverse places in the world, Haringey is buzzing with exciting new bands that have formed across cultural and ethnic boundaries. Balothizer is one of these bands.

The project was the brainchild of bassist, vocalist and percussionist Pavlos Mavromatakis (Electric Litany, The Turbans) and lute player and guitarist Nikos Ziarkas (Valia Calda).

Having been active in London’s Cretan Folk music scene for years, Pavlos (aka Pav Mav) and Nikos enlisted the skills of Stephen J Payne (Jools Holland, Jose Feliciano, Future Sound Cartel) a London born multi-instrumentalist with a deep background of world music and western styles, to bring the power necessary for this exciting new genre; Post Cretan.

With the line-up now complete Balothizer embarked on a series of high-powered shows, tours and festival dates across Europe, delivering their unique sound with an energy and ferociousness that has built them a strong and loyal following. A following which together with the band came up with the tagline that now defines this unique and powerful genre of music …Cretan Music from Hell!!!

DJ StefD (World Beats, Swing, Greek Roots)
is coming from Kreta Island and invites you to “Awake your soul” and have a taste of different sounds. Since 2010 she is playing in several bars, radio stations, concerts or festivals (Couleur Locale, Ouzo Bazooka, Monsieur Doumani, Festival “Make it or break it”). Her passion is to spread music from all around the world. In her baggage you will find a mix of sounds, from rock n’ roll and swing to balkan and greek songs.

Djane Spoma (Balkan Beats, Gipsy, Ethno, Punk, Klezmer)
gilt als eine der ersten Promoterinnen von Balkan Partys in München. Die aus dem Balkan stammende Münchnerin ist mit Leib und Seele am Mischpult und ist als DJane mit großartigen Bands wie Mahala Rai Banda, Kocani Orkestar, La Caravane Passe, Deladap, Kultur Shock, Let3, Zdob si zdub aufgetreten und hat mit den weltmusikalischen Balkan-Beats auf verschiedenen Partys und Festivals in Deutschland und im Ausland dafür gesorgt, dass auch die tanzen, die sonst nur ruhig dasitzen.


Tickets: Vorverkauf:  15€ zzgl. Gebühr / Abendkasse: 20€
Online VVK:

an allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen in München sowie an der Abendkasse!

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